Compliance at the ASB Group

Eine Drohnenaufnahme des Außengeländes der ASB Group.

The ASB Group’s corporate culture is characterised by mutual respect, integrity, appreciation, trust and clear responsibilities. The ASB Group’s values include observing and complying with statutory and legal obligations. Our corporate culture forms the foundation for the trust that our employees, business partners and the public place in us.

The integrity of everyone in the ASB Group is the benchmark for avoiding risks and doing the right thing. Transparency, openness and compliance are at the top of our corporate culture.

In the Code of Conduct for the ASB Group, employees will find principles of behaviour that apply to everyone and compliance with which is clearly defined.

The Code of Conduct for Business Partners applies to business partners and summarises our expectations regarding compliance with occupational health and safety, environmental protection and anti‐corruption. Compliance with these guidelines to preserve our values is our top priority.

Code of Conduct for the ASB Group

Code of Conduct for Business Partners

We are firmly committed to respecting the human rights and environmental concerns protected under the Supply Chain Duty of Care Act within our own supply chain.

In doing so, we implement applicable law, respect the internationally recognised human rights and environmental obligations of the protected Supply Chain Duty of Care Act and take care to prevent such human rights violations and environmental pollution as part of our business activities. In particular, we condemn child and forced labour, slavery and (modern) human trafficking as well as discrimination. We are also committed to complying with applicable labour protection laws, paying appropriate wages and protecting the freedom of association of our employees.

The protection of whistleblowers, those affected and those involved is an absolute priority at the ASB Group. In the rules of procedure for the whistleblower system, we show how reports of misconduct can be submitted independently, impartially and confidentially with the greatest possible protection. We offer the option of anonymous reporting of suspected misconduct and ensure that we do not take any measures to identify whistleblowers.

The whistleblower system and the supply chain complaints procedure are provided by an external service provider in order to protect the anonymity of the whistleblower, if desired.

Supply Chain Duty of Care Act

Rules of procedure for the whistleblower system

Please read our data protection notice before submitting a report.

The following channels are available for submitting reports:

By post:
ASB Group GmbH
Complaints Committee
Praßreut 31
94133 Röhrnbach


In person after making an appointment at compliance@asb‐
ASB Group GmbH
Complaints Committee
Praßreut 31
94133 Röhrnbach


By Email:




Reporting of data protection violations:

Learn more